Protein Family Annotation Pfam Database Homepage

PF22356MACPF/perforin-like, beta-prism domain (MACPF_b-prism)MACPF/perforin-like, beta-prism domainThis entry represents the C-terminal beta-prism domain of the MACPF/perforin-like protein from Photorhabdus luminescens [1]. This domain shows structural similarity to the Multivesicular body subunit 12B MABP domain DUF2464 (Pfam:PF10240). Domain
PF01823MAC/Perforin domain (MACPF)MAC/Perforin domainThe membrane-attack complex (MAC) of the complement system forms transmembrane channels. These channels disrupt the phospholipid bilayer of target cells, leading to cell lysis and death. A number of proteins participate in the assembly of the MAC. Fr ...Domain

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