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ECOD Browser

The Evolutionary Classification Of protein Domains (ECOD) browser classifies protein structures according to evolutionary relationships: (A) architecture, (X) possible homology, (H) homology, (T) topology, (F): Family. ECOD is updated regularly after new PDB releases are classified.

Here you can browse through PDB structures by their ECOD classification.

A: a+b complex topology - [ 22,283 Structures ]
A: a+b duplicates or obligate multimers - [ 1,977 Structures ]
A: a+b four layers - [ 2,823 Structures ]
A: a+b three layers - [ 14,238 Structures ]
A: a+b two layers - [ 35,549 Structures ]
A: a/b barrels - [ 10,267 Structures ]
A: a/b three-layered sandwiches - [ 50,290 Structures ]
A: alpha arrays - [ 26,824 Structures ]
A: alpha bundles - [ 21,808 Structures ]
A: alpha complex topology - [ 7,625 Structures ]
A: alpha duplicates or obligate multimers - [ 1,207 Structures ]
A: alpha superhelices - [ 8,451 Structures ]
A: beta barrels - [ 25,388 Structures ]
A: beta complex topology - [ 2,463 Structures ]
A: beta duplicates or obligate multimers - [ 7,618 Structures ]
A: beta meanders - [ 2,078 Structures ]
A: beta sandwiches - [ 31,718 Structures ]
A: extended segments - [ 5,199 Structures ]
A: few secondary structure elements - [ 12,851 Structures ]
A: mixed a+b and a/b - [ 8,009 Structures ]
Data from external resource.
  • H. Cheng, R. D. Schaeffer, Y. Liao, L. N. Kinch, J. Pei, S. Shi, B. H. Kim, N. V. Grishin. (2014) ECOD: An evolutionary classification of protein domains. PLoS Comput Biol 10(12): e1003926.
  • H. Cheng, Y. Liao, R. D. Schaeffer, N. V. Grishin. (2015) Manual classification strategies in the ECOD database. Proteins 83(7): 1238-1251.