Biological Process
Cellular Component
Disease Ontology
Enzyme Classification
Genome Location
Molecular Function
Protein Symmetry
Source Organism
MeSH Browser

The MeSH browser organizes PDB structures by a hierarchical set of keywords applied to publication that describe PDB structures. The majority of PDB structures have associated a primary citation that is listed on the Structure Summary page. That citation includes an abstract and keywords. The MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) are the keywords or MeSH terms indexed by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) by a human annotator.

Here you can browse the MeSH tree to find all structures at a given level of the tree that have an abstract which include the selected MeSH term as a keyword.

Anatomy (A) - [ 42,085 Structures ]
Organisms (B) - [ 148,361 Structures ]
Diseases (C) - [ 20,628 Structures ]
Chemicals and Drugs (D) - [ 176,011 Structures ]
Analytical (E) - [ 151,251 Structures ]
Psychiatry and Psychology (F) - [ 1,582 Structures ]
Phenomena and Processes (G) - [ 165,863 Structures ]
Disciplines and Occupations (H) - [ 7,593 Structures ]
Anthropology (I) - [ 154 Structures ]
Technology (J) - [ 5,845 Structures ]
Humanities (K) - [ 66 Structures ]
Information Science (L) - [ 62,504 Structures ]
Named Groups (M) - [ 687 Structures ]
Health Care (N) - [ 8,908 Structures ]
Geographicals (Z) - [ 478 Structures ]
Data from external resource.