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QUERY: Gene Name = "LHCA2" | MyPDB Login | Search API |
Search Summary | This query matches 9 Structures. |
Structure Determination MethodologyScientific Name of Source OrganismTaxonomyExperimental MethodPolymer Entity TypeRefinement Resolution (Å)Release DateEnzyme Classification NameMembrane Protein AnnotationSymmetry TypeSCOP Classification | 1 to 9 of 9 Structures Page 1 of 1 Sort by
Structure of a cyanobacterial BLUF protein, Tll0078Kita, A., Okajima, K., Morimoto, Y., Ikeuchi, M., Miki, K. (2005) J Mol Biol 349: 1-9
Psb27 structure from SynechocystisCormann, K.U., Nowaczyk, M.M., Bangert, J.-A., Ikeuchi, M., Roegner, M., Stoll, R. (2009) Biochemistry 48: 8768-8770
Crystal structure of cyanobacteriochrome TePixJ GAF domainIshizuka, T., Narikawa, R., Muraki, N., Shiba, T., Kurisu, G., Ikeuchi, M. (2013) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 110: 918-923
Crystal structure of the cyanobacterial proteinNarikawa, R., Muraki, N., Shiba, T., Kurisu, G., Ikeuchi, M. (2013) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 110: 918-923
Crystal structure of the PsbM-deletion mutant of photosystem IIUto, S., Kawakami, K., Umena, Y., Iwai, M., Ikeuchi, M., Shen, J.R., Kamiya, N. (2017) Faraday Discuss 198: 107-120
Crystal structure of a far-red light-absorbing form of AnPixJg2_BV4 in complex with biliverdinMiyazaki, T., Fushimi, K., Narikawa, R. (2019) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 116: 8301-8309
Structure of PSI tetramer from AnabaenaKato, K., Nagao, R., Shen, J.R., Miyazaki, N., Akita, F. (2019) Nat Commun 10: 4929-4929
Crystal structure of photosystem II expressing psbA2 gene onlyNakajima, Y., Suga, M., Shen, J.R. (2022) J Biol Chem 298: 102668-102668
Crystal structure of photosystem II expressing psbA3 gene onlyNakajima, Y., Suga, M., Shen, J.R. (2022) J Biol Chem 298: 102668-102668
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