RCSB PDB Poster Prize for Student Presentations
In 2005, the following prizes were awarded:RECOMB
Comparative Modeling of Mainly-Beta Proteins by Profile Wrapping
Andrew V. McDonnell, Matthew Menke, Nathan Palmer, Jonathan King, Lenore Cowen, Bonnie Berger, MIT
MAPPIS: Multiple Alignment of Protein-Protein Interfaces
Alexandra Shulman-Peleg, Maxim Shatsky, Ruth Nussinov and Haim J. Wolfson (Tel-Aviv University)
The judging committee (organized by Simon Kasif and Gus Cervini) was comprised of Bonnie Berger, Peter Clote, Enoch Huang, Simon Kasif, Jun Liu, T.M. Murali, Fritz Roth, Russell Schwartz, Lei Shen, and Mona Singh.

Safety in Cycling: Novel Redox Proteins from Escherichia coli
Melanie A. Adams and Zongchao Jia (Queen's University)
The judging committee (organized by David Rodgers) was comprised of Craig Ogata, Michael Sawaya, Marilyn Yoder, and Jim Pflugrath (chair).

Proline isomerisation in stefin B: A crucial step towards amyloid fibril formation Sasa Jenko Kokalj, Gregor Guncar, Eva Zerovnik, and Dusan Turk (Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia)
The judging committee (organized by Carlo Mealli) was comprised of Maria-Armenia Carrondo (Chair), Carlos Frazao, Ramakumar Suryanarayanarao, Xiao-Dong Su, Edward Mitchell, and Marius Jaskolski.