2015 RCSB PDB Poster Prize for Student Presentations

At the 29th European Crystallographic Meeting (Rovinj, Croatia; August 23-28), the RCSB PDB Poster Prize was awarded to Bénédicte Lafumat for Structural basis for sensitivity of fluorescent proteins to molecular oxygen investigated by high-pressure crystallography (Bénédicte Lafumat,1 Antoine Royant,1,2 Eve de Rosny,2 Peter van der Linden,1 Gordon Leonard,1 Philippe Carpentier;1 1European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France, 2Institut de Biologie Structurale, Grenoble, France.
Many thanks to the judges Eleanor Dodson (University of York), Marjolein Thunissen (The MAX IV Laboratory), and Isabel Uson (Molecular Biology Institute of Barcelona), and organizer Biserka Prugovečki.

At this summer's International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology/European Conference on Computational Biology (Dublin, Ireland; July 10-14), the RCSB PDB Poster Prize was awarded to Ashley Conard for Determining the winning SH3 coalition: how cooperative game theory reveals the importance of domain residues in peptide binding (Ashley Conard, Elisa Cilia, Tom Lenaerts, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium).
Many thanks to the judges Tatyana Goldberg (TUM), Benjamin Good (TSRI), Casey Greene (Penn Medicine), Francis Ouellette (Ontario Institute for Cancer Research), Yana Bromberg (Rutgers), Hagit Shatkay (U Delaware), Donna Slonim (Tufts), Jeroen de Ridder (Delft University), Chen Keasar (Ben Gurion University), Rob Finn (Pfam), Barry Grant (U Michigan), and organizers Iddo Friedberg (Iowa State University) and Steven Leard (ISMB).

Marina E. Ivanova

Kunhua Li
At the American Crystallographic Association's Annual Meeting (July 25-29, Philadelphia, PA), the RCSB PDB Poster Prize was awarded to Marina E. Ivanova for Molecular Interactions Within the Crumbs Cell Polarity Complex (Marina E. Ivanova, Peter Saiu, Georgina C. Fletcher, Nicola O¹Reilly, Andrew G. Purkiss, Svend Kjaer, Barry J. Thompson, Neil Q. McDonald; London Research Institute Cancer Research UK).
Kunhua Li received an honorable mention for High Resolution Crystal Structures of Antiviral, Glycosylated Y3 Protein from the Fungus Coprinus Comatus (Kunhua Li, Steven D. Bruner, Yousong Ding, Peilan Zhang, Guang Yang; University Florida)
Many thanks to the judges (Barry Finzel, Ray Salemme, Blaine Mooers) and to Marcia Colquhoun and the ACA.

At the International Conference on Structural Genomics (June 7-11, Rehovot, Israel), the award went to Dana Vuzman for Gene Discovery in Undiagnosed Disease (Brigham & Women's Hospital & Harvard Med School).
Many thanks to judges Peter Stern (Science), Luhua Lai (Chinese Academy of Sciences), Olivier Lichtarge (Baylor College of Medicine), John Norvell (Founding Director of the NIGMS Protein Structure Initiative), Scot Wherland (Washington State University) and organizers Joel Sussman (Weizmann Institute of Science) and Tom Terwilliger (Los Alamos National Laboratory).

At the 13th Conference of the Asian Crystallographic Association (December 5-8, Science City, Kolkata, India), the RCSB PDB Poster Prize was awarded to Vitul Jain for Structure of prolyl-tRNA synthetase-halofuginone complex provides basis for development of novel drugs against malaria and toxoplasmosis (Vitul Jain,1 Manickam Yogavel,1 Yoshiteru Oshima,2 Haruhisa Kikuchi,2 Bastien Touquet,3 Mohamed-Ali Hakimi,3 and Amit Sharma;1 (1International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB), New Delhi, India; 2Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan; 3Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CRNS) and Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France).
Many thanks to the judges: Ruchi Anand (Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India), Rajesh Ghai (University of New South Wales, Australia), Christopher Squire (University of Auckland, New Zealand), and Michi Suga (Okayama University, Japan); and to Alice Vrielink (University of Western Australia), Chair of the International Program Committee, and Pinak Chakrabarti (Bose Institute), President, AsCA, and Chair Local Organizing Committee.