2016 RCSB PDB Poster Prize for Student Presentations

At the 2016 Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) Conference in Orlando, Florida (July 8-12), the RCSB PDB Poster Prize went to Fan Zheng for Tertiary Structural Propensities Reveal Basic Sequence-Structure Relationships in Proteins (Fan Zheng, Jian Zhang, Gevorg Grigoryan, Dartmouth College).
Many thanks to Co-Chairs Iddo Friedberg (Iowa State University) and Casey Greene (University of Pennsylvania), the entire Posters Committee, and Steven Leard (ISMB).

At the American Crystallographic Association’s Annual Meeting (July 22-26, Denver, CO), the award went to Miguel Torres for Crystallographic Structures of Pavine N-methyltrasferase Complexes Reveal New Insights into Substrate Recognition and Catalytic Mechanism (Miguel Torres, Elesha Hoffarth, Luiz Eugenio, Juila Savtchouk, Xue Chen, Jeremy Morris, Peter Facchini, Kenneth Ng, University of Calgary).
Many thanks to the Poster Chair Illa Guzei (University of Wisconsin-Madison) and judges Marie Fraser (University of Calgary), Alexander Kintzer (University of California San Francisco) Janet Newman (CSIRO), and Jessica Vey (California State University Northridge).

At the 30th Meeting of the European Crystallographic Association (August 28-September 1, Basel Switzerland), the RCSB PDB Poster Prize was awarded to Angus Cowan for Structural and Functional Characterisation of Bok, a Pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 Effector Protein (Angus D. Cowan, Peter M. Colman, Peter E. Czabotar, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research and Department of Medical Biology, University of Melbourne, Australia).
Many thanks to the Poster Chair Bernhard Spingler (University of Zurich) and judges Eleanor Dodson (University of York) and Gerlind Sulzenbacher (AFMB/CNRS and Aiz Marseille University).

At the 12th International Conference on Biology and Synchrotron Radiation (August 21 - 24, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory), three RCSB PDB Poster Prizes were awarded to:

Ximena Barros-Alvarez (University of Washington) for Structure guided approach in the design of inhibitors against pathogenic protozoa targeting aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases

Avni Bhatt (University of Florida) for Structure activity relationships of benzenesulfonamide-based inhibitors towards carbonic anhydrase isoform specificity

Mike Thompson (UCSF) for Infrared Laser-Induced Temperature-Jump: A Universal Perturbation Method for Studying Protein Dynamics with Time-Resolved X-ray Scattering and Diffraction
Many thanks to the BSR organizers and judges.