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Crystal structure of ectromelia virus EVM1 chemokine binding protein External Resource: Annotation Chains Domain Info Class Fold Superfamily Family Domain Species Provenance Source (Version) A d2grka1 All beta proteins Soluble secreted chemokine inhibitor, VCCI Soluble secreted chemokine inhibitor, VCCI Soluble secreted chemokine inhibitor, VCCI automated matches (Ectromelia virus Moscow ) [TaxId: 265874 ], SCOPe (2.08) A d2grka2 Artifacts Tags Tags Tags C-terminal Tags (Ectromelia virus Moscow ) [TaxId: 265874 ], SCOPe (2.08) B d2grkb1 All beta proteins Soluble secreted chemokine inhibitor, VCCI Soluble secreted chemokine inhibitor, VCCI Soluble secreted chemokine inhibitor, VCCI automated matches (Ectromelia virus Moscow ) [TaxId: 265874 ], SCOPe (2.08) B d2grkb2 Artifacts Tags Tags Tags C-terminal Tags (Ectromelia virus Moscow ) [TaxId: 265874 ], SCOPe (2.08)
Chains Type Family Name Domain Identifier Family Identifier Provenance Source (Version) A SCOP2 Family VCCI-like 8086980 4002618 SCOP2 (2022-06-29) A SCOP2 Superfamily VCCI-like 8086981 3001493 SCOP2 (2022-06-29) B SCOP2B Superfamily VCCI-like 8086981 3001493 SCOP2B (2022-06-29)
Chains Family Name Domain Identifier Architecture Possible Homology Homology Topology Family Provenance Source (Version) A Orthopox_35kD e2grkA1 A: beta sandwiches X: Soluble secreted chemokine inhibitor, VCCI (From Topology) H: Soluble secreted chemokine inhibitor, VCCI (From Topology) T: Soluble secreted chemokine inhibitor, VCCI F: Orthopox_35kD ECOD (1.6) B Orthopox_35kD e2grkB1 A: beta sandwiches X: Soluble secreted chemokine inhibitor, VCCI (From Topology) H: Soluble secreted chemokine inhibitor, VCCI (From Topology) T: Soluble secreted chemokine inhibitor, VCCI F: Orthopox_35kD ECOD (1.6)
Chains Accession Name Description Comments Source PF02250 Viral chemokine binding protein (Orthopox_35kD) Viral chemokine binding protein This family of orthopoxvirus secreted proteins (also known as T1 and A41) interact with members of both the CC and CXC superfamilies of chemokines. It has been suggested that these secreted proteins modulate leukocyte influx into virus-infected ti ... This family of orthopoxvirus secreted proteins (also known as T1 and A41) interact with members of both the CC and CXC superfamilies of chemokines. It has been suggested that these secreted proteins modulate leukocyte influx into virus-infected tissues [1]. Less Domain