3JB9 | pdb_00003jb9

Cryo-EM structure of the yeast spliceosome at 3.6 angstrom resolution

Domain Annotation: SCOP/SCOPe Classification SCOP-e Database Homepage

ChainsDomain InfoClassFoldSuperfamilyFamilyDomainSpeciesProvenance Source (Version)
Ad3jb9a4 All alpha proteins Bromodomain-like Bromodomain Bromodomain Pre-mRNA splicing factor 8, Prp8 / Spp42 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- ) [TaxId: 284812 ], SCOPe (2.08)
Ad3jb9a2 Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) Restriction endonuclease-like Restriction endonuclease-like Splicing factor Prp8 endonuclease-like domain Pre-mRNA splicing factor 8, Prp8 / Spp42 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- ) [TaxId: 284812 ], SCOPe (2.08)
Ad3jb9a1 Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) Ribonuclease H-like motif Ribonuclease H-like Prp8 beta-finger domain-like Pre-mRNA splicing factor 8, Prp8 / Spp42 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- ) [TaxId: 284812 ], SCOPe (2.08)
Ad3jb9a5 Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) N-terminal domain of Prp8 / Spp42 N-terminal domain of Prp8 / Spp42 N-terminal domain of Prp8 / Spp42 Pre-mRNA splicing factor 8, Prp8 / Spp42 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- ) [TaxId: 284812 ], SCOPe (2.08)
Ad3jb9a3 Multi-domain proteins (alpha and beta) DNA/RNA polymerases DNA/RNA polymerases Splicing factor Prp8 RT domain Pre-mRNA splicing factor 8, Prp8 / Spp42 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- ) [TaxId: 284812 ], SCOPe (2.08)
Bd3jb9b2 All beta proteins Reductase/isomerase/elongation factor common domain Translation proteins Elongation factors Pre-mRNA splicing factor Cwf10, domain II (Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- ) [TaxId: 284812 ], SCOPe (2.08)
Bd3jb9b1 Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases G proteins Pre-mRNA splicing factor Cwf10, N-terminal domain (Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- ) [TaxId: 284812 ], SCOPe (2.08)
Bd3jb9b5 Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) Ribosomal protein S5 domain 2-like Ribosomal protein S5 domain 2-like Translational machinery components Pre-mRNA splicing factor Cwf10, domain IV (Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- ) [TaxId: 284812 ], SCOPe (2.08)
Bd3jb9b3 Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) Ferredoxin-like EF-G C-terminal domain-like EF-G/eEF-2 domains III and V Pre-mRNA splicing factor Cwf10, domain 3 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- ) [TaxId: 284812 ], SCOPe (2.08)
Bd3jb9b4 Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) Ferredoxin-like EF-G C-terminal domain-like EF-G/eEF-2 domains III and V Pre-mRNA splicing factor Cwf10, domain 5 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- ) [TaxId: 284812 ], SCOPe (2.08)
JA [auth Z]d3jb9z_ All beta proteins Sm-like fold Sm-like ribonucleoproteins Sm motif of small nuclear ribonucleoproteins, SNRNP D3 core SNRNP protein (Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- ) [TaxId: 284812 ], SCOPe (2.08)
Fd3jb9f_ All beta proteins Sm-like fold Sm-like ribonucleoproteins Sm motif of small nuclear ribonucleoproteins, SNRNP D1 core SNRNP protein (Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- ) [TaxId: 284812 ], SCOPe (2.08)
Jd3jb9j_ All beta proteins Sm-like fold Sm-like ribonucleoproteins Sm motif of small nuclear ribonucleoproteins, SNRNP Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein G (Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- ) [TaxId: 284812 ], SCOPe (2.08)
Kd3jb9k_ All beta proteins 7-bladed beta-propeller WD40 repeat-like WD40-repeat Pre-mRNA splicing factor Prp5 / Cwf1 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- ) [TaxId: 284812 ], SCOPe (2.08)
Ld3jb9l_ All beta proteins 7-bladed beta-propeller WD40 repeat-like WD40-repeat Pre-mRNA splicing factor Cwf17 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- ) [TaxId: 284812 ], SCOPe (2.08)
Md3jb9m_ Peptides Pre-mRNA splicing factor Prp45-like Pre-mRNA splicing factor Prp45-like Pre-mRNA splicing factor Prp45-like Pre-mRNA splicing factor Prp45 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- ) [TaxId: 284812 ], SCOPe (2.08)
R [auth S]d3jb9s1 Small proteins RING/U-box RING/U-box U-box Pre-mRNA splicing factor Prp19 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- ) [TaxId: 284812 ], SCOPe (2.08)
R [auth S]d3jb9s2 Coiled coil proteins Parallel coiled-coil Pre-mRNA splicing factor Prp19 coiled coil domain Pre-mRNA splicing factor Prp19-like Pre-mRNA splicing factor Prp19 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- ) [TaxId: 284812 ], SCOPe (2.08)
S [auth T]d3jb9t1 Small proteins RING/U-box RING/U-box U-box Pre-mRNA splicing factor Prp19 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- ) [TaxId: 284812 ], SCOPe (2.08)
S [auth T]d3jb9t2 Coiled coil proteins Parallel coiled-coil Pre-mRNA splicing factor Prp19 coiled coil domain Pre-mRNA splicing factor Prp19-like Pre-mRNA splicing factor Prp19 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- ) [TaxId: 284812 ], SCOPe (2.08)
T [auth U]d3jb9u3 All beta proteins 7-bladed beta-propeller WD40 repeat-like WD40-repeat Pre-mRNA splicing factor Prp19 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- ) [TaxId: 284812 ], SCOPe (2.08)
T [auth U]d3jb9u1 Small proteins RING/U-box RING/U-box U-box Pre-mRNA splicing factor Prp19 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- ) [TaxId: 284812 ], SCOPe (2.08)
T [auth U]d3jb9u2 Coiled coil proteins Parallel coiled-coil Pre-mRNA splicing factor Prp19 coiled coil domain Pre-mRNA splicing factor Prp19-like Pre-mRNA splicing factor Prp19 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- ) [TaxId: 284812 ], SCOPe (2.08)
U [auth V]d3jb9v1 Small proteins RING/U-box RING/U-box U-box Pre-mRNA splicing factor Prp19 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- ) [TaxId: 284812 ], SCOPe (2.08)
U [auth V]d3jb9v2 Coiled coil proteins Parallel coiled-coil Pre-mRNA splicing factor Prp19 coiled coil domain Pre-mRNA splicing factor Prp19-like Pre-mRNA splicing factor Prp19 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- ) [TaxId: 284812 ], SCOPe (2.08)
V [auth W]d3jb9w_ Peptides Pre-mRNA splicing factor Cdc5-like Pre-mRNA splicing factor Cdc5-like Pre-mRNA splicing factor Cdc5-like Pre-mRNA splicing factor Cdc5 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- ) [TaxId: 284812 ], SCOPe (2.08)
W [auth Y]d3jb9y2 Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) Ferredoxin-like RNA-binding domain, RBD, aka RNA recognition motif (RRM) Canonical RBD Pre-mRNA splicing factor Cwc2 / Cwf2 / Prp3, RRM domain (Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- ) [TaxId: 284812 ], SCOPe (2.08)
W [auth Y]d3jb9y1 Small proteins CCCH zinc finger CCCH zinc finger Pre-mRNA splicing factor Cwc2 / Cwf2 / Prp3, zinc finger domain Pre-mRNA splicing factor Cwc2 / Cwf2 / Prp3, zinc finger domain (Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- ) [TaxId: 284812 ], SCOPe (2.08)
Y [auth c]d3jb9c_ Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) HIT-like HIT-like Pre-mRNA splicing factor Cwf19-like Pre-mRNA splicing factor Cwf19 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- ) [TaxId: 284812 ], SCOPe (2.08)
AA [auth e]d3jb9e_ Small proteins Pre-mRNA splicing factor Cwf14-like Pre-mRNA splicing factor Cwf14-like Pre-mRNA splicing factor Cwf14-like Pre-mRNA splicing factor Cwf14 / Bud31 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- ) [TaxId: 284812 ], SCOPe (2.08)
BA [auth g]d3jb9g_ Peptides Pre-mRNA splicing factor Prp17-like Pre-mRNA splicing factor Prp17-like Pre-mRNA splicing factor Prp17-like Pre-mRNA splicing factor Prp17, extended domain (Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- ) [TaxId: 284812 ], SCOPe (2.08)
CA [auth h]d3jb9h_ Peptides Pre-mRNA splicing factor Cwf15-like Pre-mRNA splicing factor Cwf15-like Pre-mRNA splicing factor Cwf15-like Pre-mRNA splicing factor Cwf15 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- ) [TaxId: 284812 ], SCOPe (2.08)
DA [auth i]d3jb9i_ Coiled coil proteins Parallel coiled-coil Pre-mRNA splicing factor Cwf7-like Pre-mRNA splicing factor Cwf7-like Pre-mRNA splicing factor Cwf7 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- ) [TaxId: 284812 ], SCOPe (2.08)
EA [auth R]d3jb9r_ All alpha proteins alpha-alpha superhelix TPR-like HAT/Suf repeat Pre-mRNA splicing factor Cwf4 / Syf3 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- ) [TaxId: 284812 ], SCOPe (2.08)
GA [auth X]d3jb9x2 All alpha proteins alpha-alpha superhelix ARM repeat Pre-mRNA splicing factor Cwf11 N-terminal domain-like Pre-mRNA splicing factor Cwf11 / Aquarius (Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- ) [TaxId: 284812 ], SCOPe (2.08)
GA [auth X]d3jb9x1 All beta proteins Domain of alpha and beta subunits of F1 ATP synthase-like Upf1 barrel domain-like Upf1 barrel domain-like Pre-mRNA splicing factor Cwf11 / Aquarius barrel domain (Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- ) [TaxId: 284812 ], SCOPe (2.08)
GA [auth X]d3jb9x4 Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases Tandem AAA-ATPase domain Pre-mRNA splicing factor Cwf11 / Aquarius, C-terminal domain (Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- ) [TaxId: 284812 ], SCOPe (2.08)
GA [auth X]d3jb9x3 Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases Tandem AAA-ATPase domain Pre-mRNA splicing factor Cwf11 / Aquarius, N-terminal domain (Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- ) [TaxId: 284812 ], SCOPe (2.08)

Domain Annotation: SCOP2 Classification SCOP2 Database Homepage

ChainsTypeFamily Name Domain Identifier Family IdentifierProvenance Source (Version)
DSCOP2B SuperfamilySm-like ribonucleoproteins 8082633 3000419 SCOP2B (2022-06-29)
JA [auth Z]SCOP2 FamilySm motif of small nuclear ribonucleoproteins, SNRNP 8082632 4001809 SCOP2 (2022-06-29)
JA [auth Z]SCOP2 SuperfamilySm-like ribonucleoproteins 8082633 3000419 SCOP2 (2022-06-29)
FSCOP2B SuperfamilySm-like ribonucleoproteins 8098160 3000419 SCOP2B (2022-06-29)
LA [auth f]SCOP2 FamilySm motif of small nuclear ribonucleoproteins, SNRNP 8098159 4001809 SCOP2 (2022-06-29)
LA [auth f]SCOP2 SuperfamilySm-like ribonucleoproteins 8098160 3000419 SCOP2 (2022-06-29)
GSCOP2 FamilySm motif of small nuclear ribonucleoproteins, SNRNP 8063883 4001809 SCOP2 (2022-06-29)
GSCOP2 SuperfamilySm-like ribonucleoproteins 8063884 3000419 SCOP2 (2022-06-29)
MA [auth l]SCOP2B SuperfamilySm-like ribonucleoproteins 8063884 3000419 SCOP2B (2022-06-29)
ISCOP2 FamilySm motif of small nuclear ribonucleoproteins, SNRNP 8063443 4001809 SCOP2 (2022-06-29)
ISCOP2 SuperfamilySm-like ribonucleoproteins 8063444 3000419 SCOP2 (2022-06-29)
OA [auth n]SCOP2B SuperfamilySm-like ribonucleoproteins 8063444 3000419 SCOP2B (2022-06-29)
JSCOP2 FamilySm motif of small nuclear ribonucleoproteins, SNRNP 8063461 4001809 SCOP2 (2022-06-29)
JSCOP2 SuperfamilySm-like ribonucleoproteins 8063462 3000419 SCOP2 (2022-06-29)
PA [auth o]SCOP2B SuperfamilySm-like ribonucleoproteins 8063462 3000419 SCOP2B (2022-06-29)
MSCOP2 FamilyPre-mRNA-processing protein 45-like 8050828 4007068 SCOP2 (2022-06-29)
MSCOP2 SuperfamilyPre-mRNA-processing protein 45-like 8092738 3002618 SCOP2 (2022-06-29)
W [auth Y]SCOP2 FamilyTorus domain-like 8044936 4004212 SCOP2 (2022-06-29)
W [auth Y]SCOP2 FamilyCanonical RBD 8051793 4000236 SCOP2 (2022-06-29)
W [auth Y]SCOP2 SuperfamilyCCCH zinc finger-like 8051792 3001741 SCOP2 (2022-06-29)
W [auth Y]SCOP2 SuperfamilyRNA-binding domain, RBD 8051794 3000110 SCOP2 (2022-06-29)
Z [auth d]SCOP2 FamilyCyclophilin peptidylprolyl isomerase-like 8098965 4000390 SCOP2 (2022-06-29)
Z [auth d]SCOP2 SuperfamilyCyclophilin-like 8098966 3000168 SCOP2 (2022-06-29)
CA [auth h]SCOP2 FamilyCwf15/Cwc15-like 8046626 4005200 SCOP2 (2022-06-29)
CA [auth h]SCOP2 SuperfamilyCwf15/Cwc15-like 8103704 3002807 SCOP2 (2022-06-29)
GA [auth X]SCOP2 FamilyAquarius N-terminal domain-like 8045529 4004517 SCOP2 (2022-06-29)
GA [auth X]SCOP2 FamilyAquarius beta-barrel domain-like 8048225 4007716 SCOP2 (2022-06-29)
GA [auth X]SCOP2 FamilyTandem AAA-ATPase domain 8090875 4000282 SCOP2 (2022-06-29)
GA [auth X]SCOP2 SuperfamilyARM repeat-like 8090873 3000116 SCOP2 (2022-06-29)
GA [auth X]SCOP2 SuperfamilyUpf1 beta-barrel domain-like 8090874 3002168 SCOP2 (2022-06-29)
GA [auth X]SCOP2 SuperfamilyRecA-like P-loop NTPases 8090876 3002019 SCOP2 (2022-06-29)
GA [auth X]SCOP2 SuperfamilyRecA-like P-loop NTPases 8090877 3002019 SCOP2 (2022-06-29)
HA [auth j]SCOP2 FamilyU2A'-like 8100681 4003542 SCOP2 (2022-06-29)
HA [auth j]SCOP2 SuperfamilyL domain-like 8100682 3001010 SCOP2 (2022-06-29)
IA [auth k]SCOP2 FamilyCanonical RBD 8099987 4000236 SCOP2 (2022-06-29)
IA [auth k]SCOP2 SuperfamilyRNA-binding domain, RBD 8099988 3000110 SCOP2 (2022-06-29)

Domain Annotation: ECOD Classification ECOD Database Homepage

ChainsFamily NameDomain Identifier ArchitecturePossible HomologyHomologyTopologyFamilyProvenance Source (Version)
AU5_2-snRNA_bdge3jb9A3 A: alpha bundlesX: helical bundle domain in reverse transcriptase-like polymerases (From Topology)H: helical bundle domain in reverse transcriptase-like polymerases (From Topology)T: helical bundle domain in reverse transcriptase-like polymerasesF: U5_2-snRNA_bdgECOD (1.6)
APROCN_C,PROCN_Ne3jb9A1 A: alpha complex topologyX: Pre-mRNA-splicing factor 8 N-terminal domain (From Topology)H: Pre-mRNA-splicing factor 8 N-terminal domain (From Topology)T: Pre-mRNA-splicing factor 8 N-terminal domainF: PROCN_C,PROCN_NECOD (1.6)
ARRM_4e3jb9A2 A: a+b two layersX: Alpha-beta plaitsH: Adenylyl and guanylyl cyclase catalytic domain-likeT: Adenylyl and guanylyl cyclase catalytic domain-likeF: RRM_4ECOD (1.6)
AU6-snRNA_bdge3jb9A4 A: a/b three-layered sandwichesX: Restriction endonuclease-likeH: Restriction endonuclease-like (From Topology)T: Restriction endonuclease-likeF: U6-snRNA_bdgECOD (1.6)
APRP8_domainIVe3jb9A5 A: mixed a+b and a/bX: Ribonuclease H-likeH: Ribonuclease H-like (From Topology)T: Ribonuclease H-likeF: PRP8_domainIVECOD (1.6)
BGTP_EFTU_D2_2e3jb9B1 A: beta barrelsX: cradle loop barrelH: RIFT-relatedT: Alanine racemase-CF: GTP_EFTU_D2_2ECOD (1.6)
BEFG_IVe3jb9B4 A: a+b two layersX: Ribosomal protein S5 domain 2-like (From Topology)H: Ribosomal protein S5 domain 2-like (From Topology)T: Ribosomal protein S5 domain 2-likeF: EFG_IVECOD (1.6)
BEFG_Ce3jb9B5 A: a+b two layersX: Alpha-beta plaitsH: EF-G C-terminal domain-like (From Topology)T: EF-G C-terminal domain-likeF: EFG_CECOD (1.6)
BEFG_IIe3jb9B2 A: a+b two layersX: Alpha-beta plaitsH: EF-G C-terminal domain-like (From Topology)T: EF-G C-terminal domain-likeF: EFG_IIECOD (1.6)
BMnmE_helical_2nde3jb9B3 A: a/b three-layered sandwichesX: P-loop domains-likeH: P-loop domains-relatedT: P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolasesF: MnmE_helical_2ndECOD (1.6)
DLSMe3jb9D1 A: beta barrelsX: SH3H: SH3T: SH3F: LSMECOD (1.6)
JA [auth Z]LSMe3jb9Z1 A: beta barrelsX: SH3H: SH3T: SH3F: LSMECOD (1.6)
ELSMe3jb9E1 A: beta barrelsX: SH3H: SH3T: SH3F: LSMECOD (1.6)
KA [auth b]LSMe3jb9b1 A: beta barrelsX: SH3H: SH3T: SH3F: LSMECOD (1.6)
FLSMe3jb9F1 A: beta barrelsX: SH3H: SH3T: SH3F: LSMECOD (1.6)
LA [auth f]LSMe3jb9f1 A: beta barrelsX: SH3H: SH3T: SH3F: LSMECOD (1.6)
GLSMe3jb9G1 A: beta barrelsX: SH3H: SH3T: SH3F: LSMECOD (1.6)
MA [auth l]LSMe3jb9l1 A: beta barrelsX: SH3H: SH3T: SH3F: LSMECOD (1.6)
HLSMe3jb9H1 A: beta barrelsX: SH3H: SH3T: SH3F: LSMECOD (1.6)
NA [auth m]LSMe3jb9m1 A: beta barrelsX: SH3H: SH3T: SH3F: LSMECOD (1.6)
ILSMe3jb9I1 A: beta barrelsX: SH3H: SH3T: SH3F: LSMECOD (1.6)
OA [auth n]LSMe3jb9n1 A: beta barrelsX: SH3H: SH3T: SH3F: LSMECOD (1.6)
JLSMe3jb9J1 A: beta barrelsX: SH3H: SH3T: SH3F: LSMECOD (1.6)
PA [auth o]LSMe3jb9o1 A: beta barrelsX: SH3H: SH3T: SH3F: LSMECOD (1.6)
KANAPC4_WD40_2e3jb9K1 A: beta duplicates or obligate multimersX: beta-propeller-likeH: beta-propellerT: 8-bladedF: ANAPC4_WD40_2ECOD (1.6)
LANAPC4_WD40_4e3jb9L1 A: beta duplicates or obligate multimersX: beta-propeller-likeH: beta-propellerT: 7-bladedF: ANAPC4_WD40_4ECOD (1.6)
R [auth S]zf-Nsee3jb9S1 A: few secondary structure elementsX: RING/U-box-likeH: RING/U-box-likeT: RING/U-boxF: zf-NseECOD (1.6)
S [auth T]zf-Nsee3jb9T1 A: few secondary structure elementsX: RING/U-box-likeH: RING/U-box-likeT: RING/U-boxF: zf-NseECOD (1.6)
T [auth U]ANAPC4_WD40_11e3jb9U2 A: beta duplicates or obligate multimersX: beta-propeller-likeH: beta-propellerT: 8-bladedF: ANAPC4_WD40_11ECOD (1.6)
T [auth U]zf-Nsee3jb9U1 A: few secondary structure elementsX: RING/U-box-likeH: RING/U-box-likeT: RING/U-boxF: zf-NseECOD (1.6)
U [auth V]zf-Nsee3jb9V1 A: few secondary structure elementsX: RING/U-box-likeH: RING/U-box-likeT: RING/U-boxF: zf-NseECOD (1.6)
V [auth W]Myb_DNA-binding_1e3jb9W1 A: alpha arraysX: HTHH: HTHT: tri-helicalF: Myb_DNA-binding_1ECOD (1.6)
W [auth Y]RRM_1_6e3jb9Y2 A: a+b two layersX: Alpha-beta plaitsH: RNA-binding domain, RBD (From Topology)T: RNA-binding domain, RBDF: RRM_1_6ECOD (1.6)
W [auth Y]Toruse3jb9Y1 A: few secondary structure elementsX: CCCH zinc fingerH: CCCH zinc finger (From Topology)T: CCCH zinc fingerF: TorusECOD (1.6)
X [auth a]RRM_1_3e3jb9a1 A: a+b two layersX: Alpha-beta plaitsH: RNA-binding domain, RBD (From Topology)T: RNA-binding domain, RBDF: RRM_1_3ECOD (1.6)
X [auth a]KOG0153e3jb9a2 A: few secondary structure elementsX: RING/U-box-likeH: RING/U-box-likeT: FYVE/PHD zinc fingerF: KOG0153ECOD (1.6)
Y [auth c]CwfJ_C_1e3jb9c1 A: a+b three layersX: HIT-likeH: HIT-related (From Topology)T: HIT-relatedF: CwfJ_C_1ECOD (1.6)
Z [auth d]Pro_isomerasee3jb9d1 A: beta barrelsX: Cyclophilin-like (From Topology)H: Cyclophilin-like (From Topology)T: Cyclophilin-likeF: Pro_isomeraseECOD (1.6)
AA [auth e]G10e3jb9e1 A: few secondary structure elementsX: Pre-mRNA-splicing factor BUD31 (From Topology)H: Pre-mRNA-splicing factor BUD31 (From Topology)T: Pre-mRNA-splicing factor BUD31F: G10ECOD (1.6)
EA [auth R]TPR_15e3jb9R1 A: alpha superhelicesX: Repetitive alpha hairpinsH: ARM repeat (From Topology)T: ARM repeatF: TPR_15ECOD (1.6)
FA [auth r]Sufe3jb9r1 A: alpha superhelicesX: Repetitive alpha hairpinsH: ARM repeat (From Topology)T: ARM repeatF: SufECOD (1.6)
GA [auth X]KOG1806e3jb9X4 A: beta barrelsX: cradle loop barrelH: RIFT-relatedT: Alanine racemase-CF: KOG1806ECOD (1.6)
GA [auth X]Aquarius_N_1ste3jb9X3 A: alpha superhelicesX: Repetitive alpha hairpinsH: ARM repeat (From Topology)T: ARM repeatF: Aquarius_N_1stECOD (1.6)
GA [auth X]AAA_11_1e3jb9X1 A: a/b three-layered sandwichesX: P-loop domains-likeH: P-loop domains-relatedT: P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolasesF: AAA_11_1ECOD (1.6)
GA [auth X]AAA_12e3jb9X2 A: a/b three-layered sandwichesX: P-loop domains-likeH: P-loop domains-relatedT: P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolasesF: AAA_12ECOD (1.6)
HA [auth j]LRR_9e3jb9j1 A: beta duplicates or obligate multimersX: Single-stranded right-handed beta-helixH: Leucine-rich repeats (From Topology)T: Leucine-rich repeatsF: LRR_9ECOD (1.6)
IA [auth k]RRM_1_2e3jb9k1 A: a+b two layersX: Alpha-beta plaitsH: RNA-binding domain, RBD (From Topology)T: RNA-binding domain, RBDF: RRM_1_2ECOD (1.6)

Domain Annotation: CATH CATH Database Homepage

ChainDomainClassArchitectureTopologyHomologyProvenance Source (Version)
D2.30.30.100 Mainly Beta Roll SH3 type barrels. CATH (4.3.0)
JA [auth Z] Mainly Beta Roll SH3 type barrels. CATH (4.3.0)
KA [auth b] Mainly Beta Roll SH3 type barrels. CATH (4.3.0)
F2.30.30.100 Mainly Beta Roll SH3 type barrels. CATH (4.3.0)
LA [auth f] Mainly Beta Roll SH3 type barrels. CATH (4.3.0)
G2.30.30.100 Mainly Beta Roll SH3 type barrels. CATH (4.3.0)
MA [auth l] Mainly Beta Roll SH3 type barrels. CATH (4.3.0)
H2.30.30.100 Mainly Beta Roll SH3 type barrels. CATH (4.3.0)
NA [auth m] Mainly Beta Roll SH3 type barrels. CATH (4.3.0)
I2.30.30.100 Mainly Beta Roll SH3 type barrels. CATH (4.3.0)
OA [auth n] Mainly Beta Roll SH3 type barrels. CATH (4.3.0)
J2.30.30.100 Mainly Beta Roll SH3 type barrels. CATH (4.3.0)
PA [auth o] Mainly Beta Roll SH3 type barrels. CATH (4.3.0)
K2.130.10.10 Mainly Beta 7 Propeller Methylamine Dehydrogenase Chain HCATH (4.3.0)
L2.130.10.10 Mainly Beta 7 Propeller Methylamine Dehydrogenase Chain HCATH (4.3.0)
S [auth T] Alpha Beta 2-Layer Sandwich Herpes Virus-1 Zinc/RING finger domain, C3HC4 (zinc finger)CATH (4.3.0)
T [auth U] Alpha Beta 2-Layer Sandwich Herpes Virus-1 Zinc/RING finger domain, C3HC4 (zinc finger)CATH (4.3.0)
U [auth V] Alpha Beta 2-Layer Sandwich Herpes Virus-1 Zinc/RING finger domain, C3HC4 (zinc finger)CATH (4.3.0)
X [auth a] Alpha Beta 2-Layer Sandwich Alpha-Beta Plaits RRM (RNA recognition motif) domainCATH (4.3.0)
Z [auth d] Mainly Beta Beta Barrel Cyclophilin Cyclophilin-likeCATH (4.3.0)
GA [auth X] Alpha Beta 3-Layer(aba) Sandwich Rossmann fold P-loop containing nucleotide triphosphate hydrolasesCATH (utative)
HA [auth j] Alpha Beta Alpha-Beta Horseshoe Leucine-rich repeat, LRR (right-handed beta-alpha superhelix) Ribonuclease InhibitorCATH (4.3.0)
IA [auth k] Alpha Beta 2-Layer Sandwich Alpha-Beta Plaits RRM (RNA recognition motif) domainCATH (4.3.0)

Protein Family Annotation Pfam Database Homepage

PF10597U5-snRNA binding site 2 of PrP8 (U5_2-snRNA_bdg)U5-snRNA binding site 2 of PrP8The essential spliceosomal protein Prp8 interacts with U5 and U6 snRNAs and with specific pre-mRNA sequences that participate in catalysis [1]. This close association with crucial RNA sequences, together with extensive genetic evidence, suggests that ...Domain
PF10598RNA recognition motif of the spliceosomal PrP8 (RRM_4)RNA recognition motif of the spliceosomal PrP8The large RNA-protein complex of the spliceosome catalyses pre-mRNA splicing. One of the most conserved core proteins is PrP8 which occupies a central position in the catalytic core of the spliceosome, and has been implicated in several crucial molec ...Domain
PF10596U6-snRNA interacting domain of PrP8 (U6-snRNA_bdg)U6-snRNA interacting domain of PrP8This domain incorporates the interacting site for the U6-snRNA as part of the U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNPs complex of the spliceosome, and is the prime candidate for the role of cofactor for the spliceosome's RNA core. The essential spliceosomal protein Prp8 ...Domain
PF12134PRP8 domain IV core (PRP8_domainIV)PRP8 domain IV coreThis domain is found in eukaryotes, and is about 20 amino acids in length. It is found associated with Pfam:PF10597, Pfam:PF10596, Pfam:PF10598, Pfam:PF08083, Pfam:PF08082, Pfam:PF01398, Pfam:PF08084. There is a conserved LILR sequence motif. The dom ...Domain
PF08082PRO8NT (NUC069), PrP8 N-terminal domain (PRO8NT)PRO8NT (NUC069), PrP8 N-terminal domainThe PRO8NT domain is found at the N-terminus of pre-mRNA splicing factors of PRO8 family [1]. The NLS or nuclear localisation signal for these spliceosome proteins begins at the start and runs for 60 residues. N-terminal to this domain is a highly va ...Domain
PF08083PROCN (NUC071) domain (PROCN)PROCN (NUC071) domainThe PROCN domain is the central domain in pre-mRNA splicing factors of PRO8 family [1]. Domain
PF21369STL11, N-terminal (STL11_N)STL11, N-terminalThis entry represents the N-terminal domain of STL11 from yeast and its homologues [1-4], such as RBM22 from human. This domain comprises a zinc finger, FYVE/PHD type. Members of this entry are involved in pre-mRNA splicing. Domain
PF00679Elongation factor G C-terminus (EFG_C)Elongation factor G C-terminusThis domain includes the carboxyl terminal regions of Elongation factor G, elongation factor 2 and some tetracycline resistance proteins and adopt a ferredoxin-like fold. Domain
PF00009Elongation factor Tu GTP binding domain (GTP_EFTU)Elongation factor Tu GTP binding domainThis domain contains a P-loop motif, also found in several other families such as Pfam:PF00071, Pfam:PF00025 and Pfam:PF00063. Elongation factor Tu consists of three structural domains, this plus two C-terminal beta barrel domains. Domain
PF03144Elongation factor Tu domain 2 (GTP_EFTU_D2)Elongation factor Tu domain 2Elongation factor Tu consists of three structural domains, this is the second domain. This domain adopts a beta barrel structure. This the second domain is involved in binding to charged tRNA [1]. This domain is also found in other proteins such as e ...Domain
PF03764Elongation factor G, domain IV (EFG_IV)Elongation factor G, domain IVThis domain is found in elongation factor G, elongation factor 2 and some tetracycline resistance proteins and adopts a ribosomal protein S5 domain 2-like fold. Domain
PF01423LSM domain (LSM)LSM domainThe LSM domain contains Sm proteins as well as other related LSM (Like Sm) proteins. The U1, U2, U4/U6, and U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles (snRNPs) involved in pre-mRNA splicing contain seven Sm proteins (B/B', D1, D2, D3, E, F and G) i ...Domain
JA [auth Z]
PF00160Cyclophilin type peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase/CLD (Pro_isomerase)Cyclophilin type peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase/CLDThe peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerases, also known as cyclophilins, share this domain of about 109 amino acids. Cyclophilins have been found in all organisms studied so far and catalyse peptidyl-prolyl isomerisation during which the peptide bond pr ...Domain
JA [auth Z]
PF01423LSM domain (LSM)LSM domainThe LSM domain contains Sm proteins as well as other related LSM (Like Sm) proteins. The U1, U2, U4/U6, and U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles (snRNPs) involved in pre-mRNA splicing contain seven Sm proteins (B/B', D1, D2, D3, E, F and G) i ...Domain
KA [auth b]
PF01423LSM domain (LSM)LSM domainThe LSM domain contains Sm proteins as well as other related LSM (Like Sm) proteins. The U1, U2, U4/U6, and U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles (snRNPs) involved in pre-mRNA splicing contain seven Sm proteins (B/B', D1, D2, D3, E, F and G) i ...Domain
LA [auth f]
PF01423LSM domain (LSM)LSM domainThe LSM domain contains Sm proteins as well as other related LSM (Like Sm) proteins. The U1, U2, U4/U6, and U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles (snRNPs) involved in pre-mRNA splicing contain seven Sm proteins (B/B', D1, D2, D3, E, F and G) i ...Domain
MA [auth l]
PF01423LSM domain (LSM)LSM domainThe LSM domain contains Sm proteins as well as other related LSM (Like Sm) proteins. The U1, U2, U4/U6, and U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles (snRNPs) involved in pre-mRNA splicing contain seven Sm proteins (B/B', D1, D2, D3, E, F and G) i ...Domain
NA [auth m]
PF01423LSM domain (LSM)LSM domainThe LSM domain contains Sm proteins as well as other related LSM (Like Sm) proteins. The U1, U2, U4/U6, and U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles (snRNPs) involved in pre-mRNA splicing contain seven Sm proteins (B/B', D1, D2, D3, E, F and G) i ...Domain
OA [auth n]
PF01423LSM domain (LSM)LSM domainThe LSM domain contains Sm proteins as well as other related LSM (Like Sm) proteins. The U1, U2, U4/U6, and U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles (snRNPs) involved in pre-mRNA splicing contain seven Sm proteins (B/B', D1, D2, D3, E, F and G) i ...Domain
PA [auth o]
PF01423LSM domain (LSM)LSM domainThe LSM domain contains Sm proteins as well as other related LSM (Like Sm) proteins. The U1, U2, U4/U6, and U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles (snRNPs) involved in pre-mRNA splicing contain seven Sm proteins (B/B', D1, D2, D3, E, F and G) i ...Domain
PA [auth o]
PF12799Leucine Rich repeats (2 copies) (LRR_4)Leucine Rich repeats (2 copies)- Repeat
PF00076RNA recognition motif (RRM_1)RNA recognition motifThe RRM motif (a.k.a. RRM, RBD, or RNP domain) is probably diagnostic of an RNA binding protein. RRMs are found in a variety of RNA binding proteins, including various hnRNP proteins, proteins implicated in regulation of alternative splicing, and pro ...Domain
PF00400WD domain, G-beta repeat (WD40)WD domain, G-beta repeat- Repeat
PF00400WD domain, G-beta repeat (WD40)WD domain, G-beta repeat- Repeat
PF01423LSM domain (LSM)LSM domainThe LSM domain contains Sm proteins as well as other related LSM (Like Sm) proteins. The U1, U2, U4/U6, and U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles (snRNPs) involved in pre-mRNA splicing contain seven Sm proteins (B/B', D1, D2, D3, E, F and G) i ...Domain
PF02731SKIP/SNW domain (SKIP_SNW)SKIP/SNW domain- Family
PF01423LSM domain (LSM)LSM domainThe LSM domain contains Sm proteins as well as other related LSM (Like Sm) proteins. The U1, U2, U4/U6, and U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles (snRNPs) involved in pre-mRNA splicing contain seven Sm proteins (B/B', D1, D2, D3, E, F and G) i ...Domain
PF01423LSM domain (LSM)LSM domainThe LSM domain contains Sm proteins as well as other related LSM (Like Sm) proteins. The U1, U2, U4/U6, and U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles (snRNPs) involved in pre-mRNA splicing contain seven Sm proteins (B/B', D1, D2, D3, E, F and G) i ...Domain
R [auth S],
S [auth T],
T [auth U],
U [auth V]
PF08606Prp19/Pso4-like (Prp19)Prp19/Pso4-likeThis regions is found specifically in PRP19-like protein. The region represented by this family covers the sequence implicated in self-interaction and a coiled-coiled motif [1]. PRP19-like proteins form an oligomer that is necessary for spliceosome ...Domain
R [auth S],
S [auth T],
T [auth U],
U [auth V]
PF00400WD domain, G-beta repeat (WD40)WD domain, G-beta repeat- Repeat
V [auth W]PF00249Myb-like DNA-binding domain (Myb_DNA-binding)Myb-like DNA-binding domainThis family contains the DNA binding domains from Myb proteins, as well as the SANT domain family [1]. Domain
W [auth Y]PF00076RNA recognition motif (RRM_1)RNA recognition motifThe RRM motif (a.k.a. RRM, RBD, or RNP domain) is probably diagnostic of an RNA binding protein. RRMs are found in a variety of RNA binding proteins, including various hnRNP proteins, proteins implicated in regulation of alternative splicing, and pro ...Domain
EA [auth R]PF02184HAT (Half-A-TPR) repeat (HAT)HAT (Half-A-TPR) repeat- Repeat
EA [auth R]PF05843Suppressor of forked protein (Suf) (Suf)Suppressor of forked protein (Suf)- Repeat
GA [auth X]PF16399Intron-binding protein aquarius N-terminal (Aquarius_N_1st)Intron-binding protein aquarius N-terminal- Repeat

Gene Ontology: Gene Product Annotation Gene Ontology Database Homepage

ChainsPolymerMolecular FunctionBiological ProcessCellular Component
Pre-mRNA-splicing factor spp42
Pre-mRNA-splicing factor cwf10
U5 snRNA---
JA [auth Z]
Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein Sm D3
KA [auth b]
Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein-associated protein B
LA [auth f]
Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein Sm D1
MA [auth l]
Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein Sm D2
NA [auth m]
Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein E
OA [auth n]
Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein F
PA [auth o]
Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein G
Pre-mRNA-splicing factor prp5-
Pre-mRNA-splicing factor cwf17-
Pre-mRNA-processing protein 45
U6 snRNA---
RNA (5'-R(P*GP*UP*AP*UP*GP*UP*AP*U)-3')---
P [auth Q]RNA (5'-R(P*UP*UP*UP*AP*UP*AP*CP*UP*AP*AP*CP*AP*C)-3')---
Q [auth P]U2 snRNA---
R [auth S],
S [auth T],
T [auth U],
U [auth V]
Pre-mRNA-processing factor 19
V [auth W]Pre-mRNA-splicing factor cdc5
W [auth Y]Pre-mRNA-splicing factor cwf2
X [auth a]Pre-mRNA-splicing factor cwf5
Y [auth c]Pre-mRNA-splicing factor cwf19-
Z [auth d]Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase ppi1
AA [auth e]Pre-mRNA-splicing factor cwf14-
BA [auth g]Pre-mRNA-processing factor 17
CA [auth h]Pre-mRNA-splicing factor cwf15
DA [auth i]Pre-mRNA-splicing factor cwf7-
EA [auth R]Pre-mRNA-splicing factor cwf4-
FA [auth r]Pre-mRNA-splicing factor cwf3-
GA [auth X]Pre-mRNA-splicing factor cwf11
HA [auth j]U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein A'
IA [auth k]Probable U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein B''
QA [auth x]unknown chain---

InterPro: Protein Family Classification InterPro Database Homepage

IPR012984PROCT domainDomain
IPR012591PRO8NT domainDomain
IPR019580Pre-mRNA-processing-splicing factor 8, U6-snRNA-bindingDomain
IPR027652Pre-mRNA-processing-splicing factor 8Family
IPR043172Prp8 RNase domain IV, palm regionHomologous Superfamily
IPR012592PROCN domainDomain
IPR012337Ribonuclease H-like superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
IPR043173Prp8 RNase domain IV, fingers regionHomologous Superfamily
IPR021983PRP8 domain IV coreDomain
IPR019581Pre-mRNA-processing-splicing factor 8, U5-snRNA-bindingDomain
IPR037518MPN domainDomain
IPR019582RNA recognition motif, spliceosomal PrP8Domain
IPR042516Pre-mRNA-processing-splicing factor 8, U5-snRNA-binding domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
IPR000555JAB1/MPN/MOV34 metalloenzyme domainDomain
IPR005517Translation elongation factor EFG/EF2, domain IVDomain
IPR000795Translational (tr)-type GTP-binding domainDomain
IPR035647EF-G domain III/V-likeHomologous Superfamily
IPR035655116kDa U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein component, C-terminalDomain
IPR004161Translation elongation factor EFTu-like, domain 2Domain
IPR009000Translation protein, beta-barrel domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
IPR020568Ribosomal protein uS5 domain 2-type superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
IPR027417P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolaseHomologous Superfamily
IPR014721Small ribosomal subunit protein uS5 domain 2-type fold, subgroupHomologous Superfamily
IPR031950116kDa U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein component, N-terminalDomain
IPR005225Small GTP-binding domainDomain
IPR000640Elongation factor EFG, domain V-likeDomain
IPR044121Snu114, GTP-binding domainDomain
JA [auth Z]
IPR027141Like-Sm (LSM) domain containing protein, LSm4/SmD1/SmD3Family
JA [auth Z]
IPR034099Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein Sm D3Family
JA [auth Z]
IPR001163Sm domain, eukaryotic/archaea-typeDomain
JA [auth Z]
IPR047575Sm domainDomain
JA [auth Z]
IPR010920LSM domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
KA [auth b]
IPR001163Sm domain, eukaryotic/archaea-typeDomain
KA [auth b]
IPR047575Sm domainDomain
KA [auth b]
IPR010920LSM domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
KA [auth b]
IPR050914Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein-associated SmB/NAA38-likeFamily
LA [auth f]
IPR027141Like-Sm (LSM) domain containing protein, LSm4/SmD1/SmD3Family
LA [auth f]
IPR034102Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D1Domain
LA [auth f]
IPR001163Sm domain, eukaryotic/archaea-typeDomain
LA [auth f]
IPR047575Sm domainDomain
LA [auth f]
IPR010920LSM domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
MA [auth l]
IPR001163Sm domain, eukaryotic/archaea-typeDomain
MA [auth l]
IPR047575Sm domainDomain
MA [auth l]
IPR027248Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein Sm D2Family
MA [auth l]
IPR010920LSM domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
NA [auth m]
IPR001163Sm domain, eukaryotic/archaea-typeDomain
NA [auth m]
IPR047575Sm domainDomain
NA [auth m]
IPR027078Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein EFamily
NA [auth m]
IPR010920LSM domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
OA [auth n]
IPR001163Sm domain, eukaryotic/archaea-typeDomain
OA [auth n]
IPR047575Sm domainDomain
OA [auth n]
IPR016487Sm-like protein Lsm6/SmFFamily
OA [auth n]
IPR010920LSM domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
OA [auth n]
IPR034100Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein FFamily
PA [auth o]
IPR001163Sm domain, eukaryotic/archaea-typeDomain
PA [auth o]
IPR047575Sm domainDomain
PA [auth o]
IPR044641Sm-like protein Lsm7/SmGFamily
PA [auth o]
IPR010920LSM domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
PA [auth o]
IPR034098Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein GFamily
IPR019775WD40 repeat, conserved siteConserved Site
IPR036322WD40-repeat-containing domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
IPR045241WD repeat Prp46/PLRG1-likeFamily
IPR001680WD40 repeatRepeat
IPR020472G-protein beta WD-40 repeatRepeat
IPR015943WD40/YVTN repeat-like-containing domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
IPR001680WD40 repeatRepeat
IPR052234U5 snRNP Complex ComponentFamily
IPR019775WD40 repeat, conserved siteConserved Site
IPR020472G-protein beta WD-40 repeatRepeat
IPR036322WD40-repeat-containing domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
IPR015943WD40/YVTN repeat-like-containing domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
IPR017862SKI-interacting protein, SKIPFamily
IPR004015SKI-interacting protein SKIP, SNW domainDomain
R [auth S],
S [auth T],
T [auth U],
U [auth V]
IPR003613U-box domainDomain
R [auth S],
S [auth T],
T [auth U],
U [auth V]
IPR024977Anaphase-promoting complex subunit 4-like, WD40 domainDomain
R [auth S],
S [auth T],
T [auth U],
U [auth V]
IPR019775WD40 repeat, conserved siteConserved Site
R [auth S],
S [auth T],
T [auth U],
U [auth V]
IPR013083Zinc finger, RING/FYVE/PHD-typeHomologous Superfamily
R [auth S],
S [auth T],
T [auth U],
U [auth V]
IPR036322WD40-repeat-containing domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
R [auth S],
S [auth T],
T [auth U],
U [auth V]
IPR001680WD40 repeatRepeat
R [auth S],
S [auth T],
T [auth U],
U [auth V]
IPR013915Pre-mRNA-splicing factor 19, coiled-coil regionDomain
R [auth S],
S [auth T],
T [auth U],
U [auth V]
IPR015943WD40/YVTN repeat-like-containing domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
R [auth S],
S [auth T],
T [auth U],
U [auth V]
IPR038959Pre-mRNA-processing factor 19Family
V [auth W]IPR009057Homedomain-like superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
V [auth W]IPR047240Pre-mRNA splicing factor component CDC5L/Cef1, second SANT/myb-like domainDomain
V [auth W]IPR017930Myb domainDomain
V [auth W]IPR047242Pre-mRNA splicing factor component CDC5L/Cef1Family
V [auth W]IPR001005SANT/Myb domainDomain
V [auth W]IPR021786Pre-mRNA splicing factor component Cdc5p/Cef1, C-terminalDomain
W [auth Y]IPR039171Pre-mRNA-splicing factor Cwc2/Slt11Family
W [auth Y]IPR034181Pre-mRNA-splicing factor Cwc2, RNA recognition motifDomain
W [auth Y]IPR000504RNA recognition motif domainDomain
W [auth Y]IPR032297Torus domainDomain
W [auth Y]IPR000571Zinc finger, CCCH-typeDomain
W [auth Y]IPR036855Zinc finger, CCCH-type superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
W [auth Y]IPR012677Nucleotide-binding alpha-beta plait domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
W [auth Y]IPR035979RNA-binding domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
X [auth a]IPR039171Pre-mRNA-splicing factor Cwc2/Slt11Family
X [auth a]IPR034356Slt11, RNA recognition motifDomain
X [auth a]IPR000504RNA recognition motif domainDomain
X [auth a]IPR012677Nucleotide-binding alpha-beta plait domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
X [auth a]IPR048995STL11/RBM22-like, N-terminal domainDomain
X [auth a]IPR035979RNA-binding domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
Y [auth c]IPR040194Cwf19-like proteinFamily
Y [auth c]IPR006768Cwf19-like, C-terminal domain-1Domain
Y [auth c]IPR036265HIT-like superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
Y [auth c]IPR006767Cwf19-like protein, C-terminal domain-2Domain
Z [auth d]IPR029000Cyclophilin-like domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
Z [auth d]IPR024936Cyclophilin-type peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomeraseFamily
Z [auth d]IPR002130Cyclophilin-type peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase domainDomain
Z [auth d]IPR044666Cyclophilin-type peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase, cyclophilin A-likeFamily
Z [auth d]IPR020892Cyclophilin-type peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase, conserved siteConserved Site
AA [auth e]IPR001748Pre-mRNA-splicing factor BUD31Family
BA [auth g]IPR019775WD40 repeat, conserved siteConserved Site
BA [auth g]IPR032847Pre-mRNA-processing factor 17Family
BA [auth g]IPR036322WD40-repeat-containing domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
BA [auth g]IPR001680WD40 repeatRepeat
BA [auth g]IPR020472G-protein beta WD-40 repeatRepeat
BA [auth g]IPR015943WD40/YVTN repeat-like-containing domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
CA [auth h]IPR006973Pre-mRNA-splicing factor Cwf15/Cwc15Family
DA [auth i]IPR008409Pre-mRNA-splicing factor SPF27Family
EA [auth R]IPR011990Tetratricopeptide-like helical domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
EA [auth R]IPR003107HAT (Half-A-TPR) repeatRepeat
EA [auth R]IPR008847Suppressor of forkedDomain
EA [auth R]IPR045075Pre-mRNA-splicing factor Syf1-likeFamily
FA [auth r]IPR011990Tetratricopeptide-like helical domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
FA [auth r]IPR003107HAT (Half-A-TPR) repeatRepeat
FA [auth r]IPR008847Suppressor of forkedDomain
FA [auth r]IPR045075Pre-mRNA-splicing factor Syf1-likeFamily
GA [auth X]IPR026300CWF11 familyFamily
GA [auth X]IPR045055DNA2/NAM7-like helicaseFamily
GA [auth X]IPR032174RNA helicase aquarius, N-terminal domainDomain
GA [auth X]IPR041679DNA2/NAM7 helicase-like, C-terminalDomain
GA [auth X]IPR047187Upf1-like, C-terminal helicase domainDomain
GA [auth X]IPR027417P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolaseHomologous Superfamily
HA [auth j]IPR032675Leucine-rich repeat domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
HA [auth j]IPR001611Leucine-rich repeatRepeat
HA [auth j]IPR044640U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein A'Family
IA [auth k]IPR012677Nucleotide-binding alpha-beta plait domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
IA [auth k]IPR000504RNA recognition motif domainDomain
IA [auth k]IPR035979RNA-binding domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily