Muramoyl-tetrapeptide carboxypeptidase hydrolyses a peptide bond between a di-basic amino acid and the C-terminal D-alanine in the tetrapeptide moiety in peptidoglycan. This cleaves the bond between an L- and a D-amino acid. The function of this acti ...
Muramoyl-tetrapeptide carboxypeptidase hydrolyses a peptide bond between a di-basic amino acid and the C-terminal D-alanine in the tetrapeptide moiety in peptidoglycan. This cleaves the bond between an L- and a D-amino acid. The function of this activity is in murein recycling. This family also includes the microcin c7 self-immunity protein Swiss:Q47511. This family corresponds to Merops family S66.
Muramoyl-tetrapeptide carboxypeptidase hydrolyses a peptide bond between a di-basic amino acid and the C-terminal D-alanine in the tetrapeptide moiety in peptidoglycan. This cleaves the bond between an L- and a D-amino acid. The function of this acti ...
Muramoyl-tetrapeptide carboxypeptidase hydrolyses a peptide bond between a di-basic amino acid and the C-terminal D-alanine in the tetrapeptide moiety in peptidoglycan. This cleaves the bond between an L- and a D-amino acid. The function of this activity is in murein recycling. This family also includes the microcin c7 self-immunity protein Swiss:Q47511. This family corresponds to Merops family S66.