
Envelopment polyprotein

UniProtKB accession:  P08668
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Go to UniProtKB:  P08668
UniProtKB description:  Forms homotetramers with glycoprotein C at the surface of the virion. Attaches the virion to host cell receptors including integrin ITGAV/ITGB3 (PubMed:15657120, PubMed:16310165, PubMed:31054291). This attachment induces virion internalization predominantly through clathrin-dependent endocytosis (PubMed:11886265). May also bind to host C1QBP for virus entry into the host cell (PubMed:18834607). Mediates the assembly and budding of infectious virus particles through its interaction with the nucleocapsid protein and the viral genome (By similarity). May dysregulate normal immune and endothelial cell responses through an ITAM motif. Translocates to mitochondria, binds to host TUFM and recruits MAP1LC3B (PubMed:31091447). These interactions induce mitochondrial autophagy and therefore destruction of host MAVS leading to inhibition of type I interferon (IFN) responses (PubMed:31091447). Concomitant breakdown of glycoprotein N is apparently prevented by the nucleoprotein that may inhibit Gn-stimulated autophagosome-lysosome fusion (PubMed:31091447). Interacts with the viral genomic RNA (By similarity).
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