
Serine/threonine-protein kinase PknB

UniProtKB accession:  P9WI81
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Go to UniProtKB:  P9WI81
UniProtKB description:  Protein kinase that regulates many aspects of mycobacterial physiology, and is critical for growth in vitro and survival of the pathogen in the host (PubMed:24706757). Is a key component of a signal transduction pathway that regulates cell growth, cell shape and cell division via phosphorylation of target proteins such as GarA, GlmU, PapA5, FhaB (Rv0019c), FhaA (Rv0020c), MviN, PstP, EmbR, Rv1422, Rv1747, RseA and RmlA (PubMed:15978616, PubMed:15985609, PubMed:15987910, PubMed:16817899, PubMed:16980473, PubMed:19121323, PubMed:19826007, PubMed:20025669, PubMed:21423706, PubMed:22275220, PubMed:33868202). Also catalyzes the phosphorylation of the core proteasome alpha-subunit (PrcA), and thereby regulates the proteolytic activity of the proteasome (PubMed:25224505). Is a major regulator of the oxygen-dependent replication switch since PknB activity is necessary for reactivation of cells from the hypoxic state (PubMed:24409094). Shows a strong preference for Thr versus Ser as the phosphoacceptor. Overexpression of PknB alters cell morphology and leads to cell death (PubMed:24409094, PubMed:24706757).
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