

UniProtKB accession:  Q2PAY4
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UniProtKB description:  This gating-modifier toxin shows an important inhibitory activity on sodium channels (PubMed:29723257). It is very active on Nav1.7/SCN9A (IC(50)~0.6 nM), and also shows activity on Nav1.3/SCN3A (IC(50)=292 nM), Nav1.4/SCN4A (IC(50)=2.2-159 nM), and Nav1.5/SCN5A (IC(50)=2.3-2.9 uM) (PubMed:25055801, PubMed:29723257). It has also been shown to inhibit tetrodotoxin (TTX)-resistant (IC(50)=27.6 nM) and TTX-sensitive (IC(50)=30.2 nM) sodium channels in rat dorsal root ganglion neurons (PubMed:17157888). Lower inhibitory activity has also been shown on potassium channels: Kv4.2/KCND2 (IC(50)=604.2 nM), Kv4.3/KCND3 (IC(50)=425.1 nM), and Kv2.1/KCNB1 (IC(50)=14.3 uM) (PubMed:17150181, PubMed:17157888, PubMed:20571743). It binds to phospholipid membranes. Like its analog AM-8145, it may act by interacting only with the second voltage-sensor domain of Nav1.7/SCN9A (Probable).
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