
Palmitoyltransferase ZDHHC20

UniProtKB accession:  Q5W0Z9
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UniProtKB description:  Palmitoyltransferase that could catalyze the addition of palmitate onto various protein substrates (PubMed:27153536, PubMed:29326245, PubMed:33219126). Catalyzes palmitoylation of Cys residues in the cytoplasmic C-terminus of EGFR, and modulates the duration of EGFR signaling by modulating palmitoylation-dependent EGFR internalization and degradation (PubMed:27153536). Has a preference for acyl-CoA with C16 fatty acid chains (PubMed:29326245). Can also utilize acyl-CoA with C14 and C18 fatty acid chains (PubMed:29326245). May palmitoylate CALHM1 subunit of gustatory voltage-gated ion channels and modulate channel gating and kinetics.
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