
Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase catalytic subunit type 3

UniProtKB accession:  Q8NEB9
Grouped By:  Matching UniProtKB accession
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Go to UniProtKB:  Q8NEB9
UniProtKB description:  Catalytic subunit of the PI3K complex that mediates formation of phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate; different complex forms are believed to play a role in multiple membrane trafficking pathways: PI3KC3-C1 is involved in initiation of autophagosomes and PI3KC3-C2 in maturation of autophagosomes and endocytosis (PubMed:14617358, PubMed:33637724, PubMed:7628435). As part of PI3KC3-C1, promotes endoplasmic reticulum membrane curvature formation prior to vesicle budding (PubMed:32690950). Involved in regulation of degradative endocytic trafficking and required for the abscission step in cytokinesis, probably in the context of PI3KC3-C2 (PubMed:20208530, PubMed:20643123). Involved in the transport of lysosomal enzyme precursors to lysosomes (By similarity). Required for transport from early to late endosomes (By similarity).
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