Additional Resources
Crystallography Software
Access additional resources of interest, submitted by community members.
ARP/wARP | A system for the refinement of protein structures via automatic updating and re-building of the model and solvent structure |
BUSTER | A software system containing crystallographic structure refinement using Bayesian statistical methods (BUSTER), ligand fitting (rhofit) and a fully automated pipeline (Pipedream) to drive a structure based fragment/ligand screening pathway. |
CCP4 | A suite of programs covering all aspects of crystallographic structure determination, refinement and analysis |
CNS | A system for structure determination from crystallographic or NMR data |
COOT | Coot is for macromolecular model building, model completion and validation, particularly suitable for protein modelling using X-ray data. |
MAIN | An interactively driven suite of programs for molecular modeling, density modification, model refinement and structure analysis |
PHENIX | Software suite for automated determination using X-ray crystallography and other methods |
REFMAC | Macromolecular refinement program |
SHARP | An automated structure solution pipeline built around the heavy-atom refinement and phasing program SHARP, the substructure determination program SHELXD, the density modification program SOLOMON and the model building programs BUCCANEER and ARP/wARP. It allows fully automated structure solution by experimental phasing, from merged reflection data to an initial model, without any user intervention. |
SHELX | A set of programs for direct structure solution and refinement with high resolution diffraction data |
SOLVE | An automated system for phase determination from MIR and MAD data |
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Last updated: 2/15/2023